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Knovel LibGuide: Using Knovel

Resources and tools to get started with—and get the most out of—Knovel.

Search in Knovel


  • Search free text, title, author, material, or property 
  • Property Search provides a query builder to help you locate information that may be hidden in large complex tables. You can search for a material or substance; properties or a combination of both

Tables & graphs

  • Knovel features a large database of interactive tables & graphs, allowing you to directly export data from Knovel's content into your work

Unit converter

  • Knovel's Unit Converter enables you to quickly convert any unit of measurement—or any combination of units—into another unit in just a few simple steps
  • Choose from a list of approximately 1,000 unique units for approximately 90 properties

Downloading & citing

Citations are available in RIS, BibTeX and text (APA) formats from the Cite button located in the upper right of the viewer.

To download a section of a book, open a section of any book, and click the ‘Download’ button located in the upper right of the viewer.

Please note: Downloading a full book from Knovel is not supported due to restrictions from publishers. However, Knovel allows you to download up to 25 pages or 10% of a book (whichever is less).



Knovel Interactive Equations features a comprehensive, authoritative set of interactive worksheets and worked examples across various subject areas including Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Electrical, Oil & Gas and more.

Engineering overviews

Knovel provides carefully curated overviews covering key engineering themes and topics providing a quick overview and links to resources for deeper dives.

Engineering Newsfeed

Stay up to date with the latest news from more than 120 feeds across 16 channels with Knovel's Engineering Newsfeed. Search the Newsfeed archives, and sign up for email digests with a My Knovel account.