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Knovel LibGuide: Save & Share

Resources and tools to get started with—and get the most out of—Knovel.

Save & share content with My Knovel

My Knovel is a personal space where you can organize your favorite titles, frequently used search queries and the content you need to complete your projects. You can also create shared folders for workgroup collaboration with other Knovel users.

Embedding Knovel resource lists in a Learning Management Systems (LMS) or website

Knovel provides an easy way for educators and collaborators to build resource lists for classes, projects, and trainings. Sharing these lists is as easy as sending someone a link. If you want to embed the list in a website or LMS, Knovel provides a simple HTML version of the folder item list for embedding in an LMS or website.

Detailed instructions available for Blackboard, Canvas, and Moodle.

Using My Knovel

When using My Knovel:

  • Access your recent searches, content views and other activities with My Activity
  • Manage searches, content and other activities you save with My Saved Items