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ScienceDirect LibGuide: Journals & Books

Journal facts

  • Extensive full-text database of authoritative titles from core scientific literature
  • Highly cited titles such as The Lancet, Cell and Tetrahedron
  • Advanced access to peer-reviewed articles accepted for publication (Articles in Press)
  • Different levels of knowledge from review articles to new cutting edge articles

Book facts

  • eBooks are on ScienceDirect alongside journals to support uninterrupted research workflow
  • Discoverable through the search functionality or 375,000+ ScienceDirect topic pages.
  • Elsevier eBooks have the highest relative citation impact among significant book publishers in Scopus at 2.9 (based on 2022 Elsevier analysis of Scopus data on publishers that contribute >1% of indexed books with publication date 2018-22