Gain a competitive edge with a holistic view of the research funding landscape with Funding Institutional, a single solution that combines your institution's internal funding opportunities with over 22,000 active funding opportunities sourced from over 5,500 global funders, fortified with information from over 6.7 million awarded research grants.
Funding Institutional informs your research program strategy by helping you to find active, accurate funding opportunities from public and private funding organizations in a timely manner, and by offering insight into research that has already been funded in your area of interest.
Available on a subscription basis, Funding Institutional is accessed via IP authentication and a user-specific login and password. The login provides user-specific customization and bespoke features such as saved searches and opportunity tracking. For assistance with a login, please consult your institution's Funding Institutional administrator.
In support of rolling out Funding Institutional, here's a video that provides a high-level look at how Funding Institutional works:
From how Funding Institutional "works" to how it's used to support early-career researcher programming at two universities, here are a few past Funding Institutional webinars that might be of interest:
Funding Institutional videos are accessible on YouTube, where you will find a whole library of videos on Scopus, SciVal and other Elsevier solutions that support meeting strategic research goals.
Here are a few resources to aid with onboarding, training and support:
To help you to promote Funding Institutional use in your institution, here are e-banners, in varying formats, as well as a poster, created in PowerPoint, that you can customize to provide your contact information and library branding:
We work continuously to add more funding opportunities and awards data and improve the overall search experience with Funding Institutional. Keep up-to-date with recent releases and learn more about future enhancement with our 2021 roadmap.